Monday, May 31, 2021

Monday May 31, 2021

Happy Monday May 31, 2021!

This week in room 5:

Language Arts

Creature comics!
Last week we created some creatures that we will be using for comics this week. 
Today we focused on the introductory slide in which the main character is introduced.
For the remainder of the week we will focus on:
-End Celebration (resolution)
We are covering the parts of the stories in chunks so that we do not rush our pictures, writing and colouring.

Reading to self, Read to someone or listening to reading will also happen each day.

We are also working our way through the BFG! My goal is to be able to watch it in the second last or last week of school.

-This week we are revisiting graphing!
-Today the students made up a survey question for their peers such as, "What is your favourite video game?" They came up with choices for their classmates to choose from then walked around the room taking tallies (IIII) of their choices. 
-We will be graphing the students choices this week, then answering questions about the data.

-We will also be doing a basic facts quiz, and mathletics!

-Looking at the past!
-Today the students sorted different pictures of Saskatoon from over 100 years ago to just 4 years ago. We discussed how they knew the pictures were old based off the transportation, buildings, clothes, street lamps, trains, roads, and black/white or coloured pictures.    
-We have looked at the past relating to parts of Iqaluit and Meteghan. We are jumping back to the old times of the prairies and doing some comparisons of the life then vs now!

-Floating vs Sinking
    -This week is all about testing what objects will float and sink in our new unit: Boats and Buoyancy.
    -Once we have covered what will sink and float we will move into looking at boats.

-Talking about respect
-Mindfulness in class (Coloring and calming exercises)
-Sit spots out in nature sketching what we see, hear, smell and feel. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday May 28, 2021

Happy Friday May 28, 2021!


Pillar of the Month: Courage

Congrats to the winners in room 5!

Spring Picture Day is coming Monday, May 31. Lifetouch donates $2 to the school for every photo taken on this day. 

After Picture Day, you may choose to order pictures on using your Portrait ID and Access Code which can be found on your Picture Day order form (this will come home about a week after picture day).

Today in room 5:

We began our day with some time to read and finish our combined creature.

At 8:30 we had our virtual pillars of care assembly over microsoft teams. The students loved being able to hear the other students in the school celebrate their winners and how they showed courage. 

We then moved into snack and our morning meeting with our usual Friday dance!

The students did an excellent job on Mathletics today sorting and identifying different shapes and 3D objects. Once they finished the shape assignments they caught up with some of their extra assignments before having a few minutes of earned time on the ipads. 

We then cleaned up the classroom before having a sharing circle and heading outside to play on the compound for gym.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Mr Lancee

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thursday May 27, 2021

Happy Thursday May 27, 2021!


Pillars of care tomorrow!

Dress like a twin day is tomorrow!

Pillar of the Month: Courage

Congrats to the winners in room 5!

Today in room 5:

We began our day with some time to read our new library books and our book boxes before our morning meeting and some reviewing of patterns.

We then moved into snack time and a new writing project. The students are designing characters which they will use in a walking story/comic page. The characters inspiration comes from, "Hello, my name is Octicorn" by Kevin Diller. In this story we learned about a creature that is a combination of two animals. This animal has problems such as not fitting in with the octopi or the unicorns.

Students then go to work on planning out their own combination of animal creatures and a problem that would fit this character.  We will continue working on these next week!

After recess on the playground we returned to class for math and continued our review of objects and shapes. Today the students worked in pairs and were detectives who had to describe different 3D shapes based off their attributes.

After lunch we did our classroom jobs and read a part of the BFG.

Today in gym we played a large game of soccer before returning to class to do some colouring mindfulness. The colouring mindfulness worked wonders for students being able to relax and colour Pysanky eggs. 

After our afternoon recess we did some research on the different uses of boats in Meteghan. This helped us connect what we new about the landforms, natural resources, and animals found within Meteghan to our upcoming science unit...Boats and Buoyancy!

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

Mr Lancee

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Tuesday May 25, 2021

Happy Tuesday May 25th 2021!

Welcome back to class everyone! It was great to see everyones happy faces in class today.


Pillars of care Friday

Dress like a twin day is Friday

Pillar of the Month: Courage

This week in room 5:

Language Arts

-Courage writing

    -Our pillar of the month is courage. We listened to a read aloud titled: Courage by Bernard Waber. This book helped us to learn about different ways people can show courage. Students then brainstormed ideas on how they show courage before writing a reflection.

Listening to reading and reading to someone

    -Students will get a chance to listen to Razkids and enjoy some partner reading throughout the week.

Story Writing- Comics

    -This week we are starting to plan another story that will be done in a comic format. We will plan out a character, problem, events and solutions to the problem before starting the actual comic. This will carry on into next week!


-Exploring Shapes

    -This week we will be revisiting 2D shapes and 3D objects. We will review and build 2D shapes and compare them by their attributes (sides and vertices).

    -We will construct cubes, cylinders, pyramids, and cones and compare their attributes.


-Fun liquid experiments to see the shape of water droplets and how different liquids interact.


-Create your own flag activity

    -Students have been learning about culture, traditions and symbols of the acadians. We are connecting this to what the students know about themselves by creating flags, which they will present to the class. The flags are designed to help students think about their culture, traditions and important things that they would put on a flag about themselves.

-Looking at the common boats of Meteghan (This will be our transition into last science unit next week! Boats and Buoyancy)

Have a great day everyone :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tuesday May 11, 2021

Happy Tuesday May 11, 2021 

Hope everyone is doing well! It is wonderful to see all of your excited faces each day on the google meets each day.

Today in room 5:

Today we began our morning with some guided reading groups! These groups are only for a few students at a time so that we can work on different skills.

During our LA meet today we did a quick calendar before revisiting a concept we learned about in liquids! We focused on viscosity and reminded ourselves how viscosity tells us how thick or runny a liquid is. We did some races in school to see how fast the liquids could race down a white board. The fastest was hand sanitizer, followed by the oil, then the honey and lastly dish soap!

As a class we discussed what the characters and settings of a story are. We then read the Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch and talked about how we could change the ending. Students had some great ideas on we could improve the ending! 

In our optional meet today I gave the students some time to work on their LA activities before we did a class trivia! I split up the students and asked them questions all about the world. It was great to see how many random facts the students actually knew!

At 10:00 Ms Paolini read the students stories today during our library time! 

In the afternoon we had our first online gym together. We did a warm up, dance moves copying and 100 jumping jacks! We finished our gym by doing freeze dance. The penalty for getting caught was 5 jumping jacks or pushups. If everyone froze together I did 5 jumping jacks! 

In Math we had a math talk about the question: 8-3 < 10- 6 is it true?

What do you think? If it is false, make it true!

We then went over some of the strategies we use to solve addition questions to 100.

Hundreds charts, blocks, and regrouping over the 10's place were the strategies I went over today!

That is all from Mr Lancee! 

Have a great day everyone :)

loggin off

Below is the schedule for the next two weeks for online learning.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Sunday May 9, 2021

 Happy Sunday May 9, 2021!

Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend and staying warm :)

I sent out an email on Friday with the guided reading group times and dates for your child. During these times we will practice sight words, letter sounds, blends, and read some levelled books. 

I know this week is different from our normal in school routine, but together we will continue our learning, socializing and stay connected!

Below is the schedule for the next two weeks for online learning.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
See you tomorrow morning :)
Mr Lancee

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Thursday May 6, 2021

Happy Thursday May 6, 2021!


Pillar of the month: Courage


We are starting online tomorrow at 8:30-9:30 am! I will be taking attendance, going through our morning calendar, and doing a read aloud. This a great chance to make sure you know how to log in and join the google meets. We are still figuring out the final details of the schedule for the next two weeks. This will be announced tomorrow. I have sent home a journal with nicely spaced lines for everyone to use over the online learning. Both math and LA can be done in it!

Today in room 5:

We began our morning with our usual reading and catch up before heading off to gym with Mr Sadowsky, playing compound games.

After snack and our morning meeting we finished writing the problem and solution stories from the previous day. 

We then went out for recess on the field before some time to finish writing stories and begin our room clean up. We made sure our desks were spotless, and the shoes and take home journal was in the backpacks. 

After everything was cleaned we made Mother's and Loved Ones Day cards! The cards were designed to be a message of how much the students appreciate everything their families. Students added personalized messages and the theme of the of the gift was "Mom, I love you to pieces!"

We finished off our day by talking about online school. It is not goodbye, it is see you soon online!

Looking forward to seeing everyone online tomorrow and next week!

Please email me if you have questions :)

Mr Lancee

laptop wave

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wednesday May 5, 2021

 Happy Wednesday May 5, 2021!


Pillar of the month: Courage

May 10: Spring pictures day

May 5: Raising awareness for missing indigenous women and girls (please wear red this day)

May 3-7 Mental Health Week

May 9: Mothers Day!

I wanna start off by saying I am so proud of how hard the students worked this week. I see students pushing themselves in reading, writing, social science and math each day. Keep up the great work everyone!

As you know, with the new restrictions we are going to see some changes to our normal day and be online for the next couple weeks. I will be sending out some more information tomorrow to help parents with transitioning to online again! If anyone requires technology to access google classroom or the google meets can you please let me know. 

Today in room 5:

We started our morning with some catch up time and reading before having our morning meeting. 

After snack we moved right into starting our writing for our "what could go wrong?" stories. Yesterday we planned out what could go wrong with an everyday situation such as brushing our teeth or walking to the store. The idea was to create stories that pushed student to create problems and have a logical solution to them. From here we can add in characters, settings and then move to more imaginative and fairy tale style stories. 

When we finished recess on the playground we moved into math. We have been using non standard units, such as, blocks and chain links to measure object in the classroom. Today I taught the students how to use a ruler to measure objects in cm! Students loved being able to give accurate measurements of the length, height and width of objects.

After lunch we read another chapter of the BFG. This silly chapter had the students learning about what a whizpopper was...ask your child if they remember what it was. It is pretty silly!

Today in gym we played some parachute games! We played pop tent, popcorn, cotton candy (kid in the middle) and then some free time to play football and soccer games. 

The class then headed off to the trees to try our second sit spot of the week. I gave everyone a sketch book to sit and draw what they could see, hear, smell and feel around them. I was impressed with how well students just enjoyed sitting and actually relaxing! They came back with some detailed drawings of trees, houses, cars, pinecones, grass and more. 

We finished off our day by learning about the Acadian flag. I had a plan to have everyone design their own flag...but we will push this to when we get back. As a class we learned about the colours and symbols used in the Acadian, Canadian, Albertan and Nunavummiut flag.

We then tidied the class and headed off! 

Tomorrow is our last day before online classes so I hope everyone has a great sleep and comes in ready for a great day :)

Stay safe and all the best, we are all in this together <3

Mr Lancee

loggin off

Monday, May 3, 2021

Monday May 3, 2021

Happy Monday May 3rd, 2021!


Pillar of the month: Courage

May 10: Spring pictures day

May 5: Raising awareness for missing indigenous women and girls (please wear red this day)

May 3-7 Mental Health Week

May 7: Hats on for mental health day (please wear a hat this day)

May 9: Mothers Day!

Welcome back from the weekend everyone! I had quite a few sleepy students in my room today. Early to bed so you are fresh and ready for tomorrow :)

This week in room 5:

Language Arts

-Word work: Learning about word families: _ack 

-Reading to self, someone and listening to reading

-Story writing: Problems and solutions. 

    -Generating a problem from everyday situations that students have experienced and coming up with a solution to them.

    -Ex. Every day situation: Mr Lancee is cleaning his room Problem: suddenly he gets scared by a spider. Solution: solves the problem by catching it in a glass and putting it outside. 


-Continuing work with measurement

    -Practicing measurement using estimation and then checking by counting using one object

    -Learning how to use a ruler! Measuring in cm.

    -Comparing weights



 -Learning about the Acadians of Meteghan

    -What does it mean to be Acadian? 

    -Looking at the Acadian flag and Nova Scotia flag


    -Testing the absorbency of different materials (paper, paper towel, wax paper, tin foil, sponge) We did this today! Students loved transfering water from a cup to a bucket using the different materials. Ask your child which material was the most absorbent!

    -Testing which material would make the best rain coat (water proof materials!) Yes, there is a chance I may spray the students with a squirt bottle to test their hypothesis' (Not a huge amount! Just enough to test their theories!)

    -Observing how evaporation happens in a closed vs open jar.


- Mothers/Loved Ones day art


-Talking about mental health. What does it mean to us? How can we improve our mental health?

Friday June 25, 2021

Happy Friday June 25, 2021! Looking for things to do this summer? City of Calgary - Free Summer Programs ​The City of Calgary will be runnin...